In last two meetings students were preparing postcards for their Spanish friends, which are to be handed during forthcoming trip. Students when decorating the cards had to think of the materials as well as of the technique. There was a wide range of ideas, which is visible below.
Ostatecznie pocztówki wyglądały tak:
Finally the postcards looked as follows:
Do każdej z kart dołączone zostały życzenia.
To each of these postcards there a card with greetings was enclosed:
1. O Polsce
2. O Mazowszu
3. O naszej szkole
Prezentacje przedstawione zostaną na spotkaniu z uczniami, gronem nauczycielskim oraz rodzicami w Hiszpanii.
Apart from the tasks described above students prepared three Powerpoint presentations
1. about Poland
2. about Mazovia region
3. About their school
These materials will be shown during the meeting with students, parents and teachers in Spain.
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