On 23rd September a meeting with parents took place. Parents were informed about aims and tasks of the Comenius programme within the Lifelong learning Programme. Apart from that the PPT was shown where the plan of our Comenius project was presented.
poniedziałek, 26 września 2011
Spotkanie z rodzicami
W dniu 23 wrzesnia odbyło się zebranie z rodzicami, na którym przedstawione zostały cele i założenia sektorowego programu Comenius w odniesieniu do programu "Uczenie się przez całe życie". Zaprezentowana została ponadto prezentacja multimedialna poświęcona projektowi realizowanemu w naszej szkole.
On 23rd September a meeting with parents took place. Parents were informed about aims and tasks of the Comenius programme within the Lifelong learning Programme. Apart from that the PPT was shown where the plan of our Comenius project was presented.
On 23rd September a meeting with parents took place. Parents were informed about aims and tasks of the Comenius programme within the Lifelong learning Programme. Apart from that the PPT was shown where the plan of our Comenius project was presented.
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